Links to Instructional Design blogs

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Learning Networks

How has your network changed the way you learn?

Prior to beginning my master’s program, and now my certificate program for instruction design, I had never given thought to how my connections facilitate my learning. Prior to being a student, I was not in the habit of using my network to learn.  In addition, I had not spent a great deal of time trying to learn new material and did not realize how many resources are available to continually learn.  My mindmap blog posting illustrates the many ways I now learn. 

My networks continually challenge me to learn.  Fortunately, I do enjoy learning and today it is much easier to be a lifelong learner.  The best networks for me have been through the required readings of my courses and then reflecting through papers and through assignments.  I am a hands-on learner, so I take advantage of the courses available through  The continual advancements in technology demand that I learn and keep up with technologies, since they are a very big part of my job and knowing the ways to be productive by using technology.

Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you?

The digital tools that are well suited for facilitating my learning are online libraries, e-books, and the courses available through  I also find watching YouTube videos for “how-to” type information, or to hear about topics I am not familiar with, are highly beneficial.  As an online student, I am able to learn new information, hear the thoughts of my classmates and instructor, and read textbooks and articles.  Eventually this method of learning will end, but the habit of seeking information has become very ingrained and taught me to seek information and learn.

How do you gain new knowledge when you have questions?

I belong to professional memberships and attend chapter meetings.  The connections I make with others in my field provide me with people who have the knowledge I seek.  Today it is easy to do internet searches for information and often the searches and information found will answer the questions I may have and provide me with the knowledge I seek.  I am a reader, so the information I receive through the journals of my professional memberships also allows me to learn new information and stay current on research being conducted in my trade.

In what ways does your personal learning network support or refute the central tenets of connectivism?

I believe having learning networks is what connectivism is about.  These networks help me learn, provide connections to sources, and allow me to practice/implement the learning.  Connectivism is a learning theory that is all about the incorporation of information, technology and social networks to learn. By creating my mindmap, it is clear that most of my learning as an adult is through the use of technology, my networks at work, through professional memberships, and even through the blogs of others.  Technology is a large part of my daily work – from creating PowerPoints converted to Adobe Connect, Camtasia, videos, podcasts, etc. 

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