Links to Instructional Design blogs

Instructional Design Blog Links

In my search for blogs relating to instructional design, I chose blogs which were kept timely - meaning the authors seem to be actively posting either weekly or more frequently.  Below are three blogs I feel are worth following and I have subscribed to.

Dr. Allison Rossett Blog

Dr. Allisson Rossett is a Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University.  Her blog was highly recommended by my LinkedIn group as an instructional designer blogger worth following. 

Dr. Rossett is a board member of The Elearning Guild, an orgranization I highly recommend checking out.  She is also a member of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) which is a professional group for trainers.  This professional orgazation works hard to keep members informed of the latest advancements in training and development – technology, training methods, etc.

Dr. Rossett has published several books and articles.  I am subscribing to her blog to stay informed and current with e-learning developments.  In her article Instructional Design: Something Old, Something New, she discusses how learning theories are still applicable today in the instructional design field. 

Reflections on Instructional Design

This blog is written by Dr. Joel Gardner. He is the Interim Chair of the Instructional Design and Performance Technology Program at Franklin University. He teaches and conducts research "on learning theory, instructional theory, and enhancing learning with technology".

A blog post on his site, ADDIE Process of Instructional Design, is helpful for someone like me, relatively new to the field of instructional design. This is a blog I think is certainly worth following to get good information on the basics of instructional design. There are several other blog posts that relate to basic instructional design principles that will serve as a helpful resource and reference for me.

Another interesting blog he writes, The "Learning Styles" Fallacy", is a great read and blends well with the discussion board reflections concerning the difference between learning theories and learning styles. 

The e-Learning Coach Blog

This is a great blog I found during my master's program. The author is Connie Malamed, an experienced instructional designer who I personally think writes with a personal and easy to understand style. One particular blog worth reading for those of us entering the field of ID is "What Instructional Designers Do-Updated". In this blog Ms. Malamed states the process of instructional design in her experience is "systematic and iterative". This seems to blend with what I learned during my graduate program - curriculum design starts with analysis and objectives and ends with assessments and tweaking.

Ms. Malamed also has a great page on her blog called "Cognition".  There are many great blogs about short-term memory, long-term memory, cognitive load, and more.  I think it's a great blog to help me learn more about different e-designer topics and issues!

Big Dog and Little Dog Blog

This blogs came highly recommended from my LinkedIn Instructional Designer group.  It has been in existence for 15 years and is written by Don Clark.  There is a lot of good information regarding training, learning, performance, etc.  
I encourage readers to check this one out! 

The Mindmap of Learning Models (graphic below) is a very good graphic to check out.  When you hover your mouse over any of the terms, a pop-up window appears providing a concise definition of the term.  The blog articles are timely as they relate to instructional design. I believe this will be a very good ongoing information resource. 

Source:  Big Dogs and Little Dogs Blog: retrieved May 5, 2012.

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